I found my diary from 1993 on my bed yesterday...i think my mum put it there...
but anyway i started having a read through and it was completely hilarious remembering what life was like at 8 years old...and nothing got more complicated then getting up, going to school and coming home to play with my barbies...
i also discovered in a lot of entries that i'm reading a comic called 'Whizzer and Chips' which sounds like it's straight out of an Enid Blighton story!!
but after doing some google image hunting, the memories came flooding back of characters with names like Pongo Snodgrass and Mrs Fusspot!! How innocent it all sounds!!! Nothing like Bliss and all those pre pubescent magazines you get these days with miley cyrus (16 yr old disney star) pushing up her bee sting boobs in a 26AA padded bra!
Only thing i found slightly disturbing is that the illustrations are VERY similar to that of Viz (adult comics with characters like the Fat Slags hahaha!); it's quite funny really!