Tuesday, 28 July 2009

Oihhaa can i haz?

I just found this picture and it made me Laff!!


Tried to take some promo shots last night…I swear we are the worst band to have our photo taken!
Like I never know what to do with my hands haha!
In other news the promo copies are on their way to our lovely press people as we speak so very very excited about what the next
2 months will hold in store for us!

Friday, 3 July 2009


i found this photo of one of the idents for MTV's International rebrand in collaboration with UK studio Universal Everything...it's basically a shit load of sweets all piled up together and then they crash forward and spill everywhere...click here to watch the whole video..it's called International Sweethearts....it reminds me of charlie and the chocolate factory and the child catcher from Chitty chitty bang bang!


Thursday, 2 July 2009

we made a music video

We absolutely worked our arses off at the weekend filming non stop for our new music video for next single Under the Bed!
Original concept is by the brilliant Rob Heard, who was also directing and he totally brought out the best in us…it was a very intense shoot!
here are a few photos from the weekend so you get an idea of our costumes; we made them all by ourselves and it was amazing how much effort everyone made
with only a week to prepare!

here we are with rob


getting my living room ready


monsters gotta chill


you can see matt's hand under the bed where he had to stay forl ike 3 hours!

lovely assistant Alanda Dunne
